[ot] 1+1=1

anna balint epistolaris at freemail.hu
Mon Feb 11 14:28:15 CET 2002

Dear nn [as],
?!?the max and nato programs were developed from pd, isn't it?!?
anna balint

                 re: proud - as you may be aware [subconsciously]
                 proud = the unconscious basis of nationalism. fascism.
korporat fascism + pd.

                 >I'll be teaching

                 + teaching

                 >a pd/GEM workshop at my University in the next 2 weeks

                 >and hope that the students love the software as much
as I do.

                 one is chained by one's hopes. _your_ [per\haps]
                 may not as commercial as you consciously hope\be.

                 >Thanks to the Community.

                 drink in the name of the people
                 + the multitude shall crown you ...

                 >Ben Bogart

                 ... commercialin\tel professor.

                 >B. Bogart

                 evolution is a continuous process of commercial

                 nn - do you have artificial muscles +? touch me.


                 \ \/ i should like to be a human plant
                 \/ __
                 i will shed leaves in the shade
                 \_\ because differentiated design can relieve
                 the burden of interior integration

                 Netochka Nezvanova nezvanova at eusocial.com

                 n r . 5 !!! http://steim.nl/leaves/petalz

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