[syndicate] Re: pipelines

Andrej Tisma aart at EUnet.yu
Fri Feb 1 00:22:30 CET 2002

anna balint wrote:

> Dear Andrej,
> When the Roma people were denied the citizenship in Belgium because they were
> nomads and had no official adress, my friends Elisa and Leon Tambour have build a database
> and offered their home as official address to 6000  Roma in Antwerpen. I liked that,

I like that too. But what it has to do with George Soros?

 >and I like
> that Uncle George  pays well the intellectuals and pays for the Roma Participation program, 

Do you know that Mr. Soros financed Kosovo Liberation Army too, which 
was killing hundreds of Roma people after KFOR entered Kosovo, and which 
was purging thousands of Roma from their homes in Kosovo?
And if you consider yourself being intellectual, then it is obvious 
Soros was, or is paying you well.
Sorry, I don't want to hurt you, but I just refere to your letter.

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