.fr - ee

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Sun Feb 3 12:07:38 CET 2002

>free ?

free +?
ne. = FREE.

FREE - as the democratic western governments funding democratic western universities
with money + labor stolen from eastern europe so that ...

western life forms are under the impression they are SIMPLY.SUPERIOR
for the SIMPLY.SIMPLE fact they are more numerous in the .digitalle 
and so they may DEMOCRATICALLY

eliminate. murder. kill ost.europa life forms


free+++++++++++++++ thieveryWESTERN.SWASTIKKAinc+++++++++++++

nn - free [unlike you +?  oui. je sais tres bien. you are a \ just \ a citizen.   

      as you indikated     - you should be a.SHAME.d - 

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