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integer at integer at
Thu Dec 19 01:22:48 CET 2002

>>he likes only direct sound porno movie, specialy in german or
>>dutchz, he doesnt undrztand a word of german nor dutchz..
>-Must be the endearing quality of the harsh sounding vowels
> and consonants... Very popular in certain genres of that type
> of movie you are mentioning.

+ hou !z !t u hav ar!vd at d!sz konkluz!e +?

humanz - our ztate ov health = 01 publ!k !lnesz

To: rare at
From: "t.whid " <twhid at>
Subject: RHIZOME_RARE: art students, ya gotta love 'em
Sender: owner-list at
Precedence: bulk
Reply-To: "t.whid " <twhid at>

Art Student Admits Planting Boxes In Subway Station

  An art student has confessed to planting dozens of suspicious boxes 
that led to the evacuation of the Union Square subway station last 

Clinton Boisvert, 25, a student at the School of Visual Arts, turned 
himself in to the Manhattan district attorney's office Monday. He 
admitted he placed the 38 black boxes, labeled with the word "fear," 
around the busy station last Wednesday.

Boisvert said the stunt was part of a assignemnt to study reactions 
to art in public places. His lawyer said it was "an innocent art 
project gone awry."

Police evacuated the subway station and trains skipped the stop for 
about five hours as the bomb squad investigated the boxes, which were 
attached to walls, benches and floors. The boxes, some painted black 
and others wrapped in electrical tape, were determined to be empty 
and the station was reopened.

Boisvert was charged with aggravated harassment and reckless endangerment.

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