{{{ Scannerworks }}}

human being human at electronetwork.org
Sat Dec 7 04:20:43 CET 2002

  Scannerworks: an electromagnetic audio-visual piece...

  keywords: energy, oil, telecom, war, UN, surveillance,

  The work consists of the original scanner sounds,
  plus about 20 archived tape recordings of lectures,
  historic speeches, tv music, in addition to effects
  such as running-through a radio dial, a unique and
  annoying sound that can demonstrate the spatiality
  of the radio spectrum. The point of all of this being
  that if one where to stand alone in an ordinary room,
  in an ordinary city, with ordinary technologies turned
  _off, not on, that the environment would still be
  totally saturated with these noises, signals, and
  sounds. And the cacophony that results would be what
  the Scannerwork attempts to convey, being able to
  listen into this streaming electromagnetic matter,
  energy, and information, at 186,000 miles/second.

  With imagery provided courtesy of Brad Brace's
  12hr ISBN project, both the audio and the video
  presentation is meant to convey this type of rapid
  multitracked consciousness, or unconscious state,
  regarding whether or not one relates to the basic
  premise that these invisible sounds even exist,
  which many may have to take on faith, unless they
  decide to turn on every device, on every channel
  of every radio, television, telephone, and realize
  that all these devices are receiving such data at
  a constant furious speed throughout the day & night.

  Scannerworks- part of the Electronetwork.org exhibits
  -> http://www.electronetwork.org/exhibits/scannerworks/


  the MOVIE file [ LOGIN = scannerworks ][ PASSWORD = guest ]


  *requires Quicktime 6 for MPEG4, & Broadband connection


  please forward to those who might be interested...

  the electromagnetic internetwork-list
  electromagnetism / infrastructure / civilization

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