No subject

integer at integer at
Fri Dec 6 00:04:14 CET 2002

>>>4 : what's your most favourite tool
>if they told everything they know .....

you can't even imagine how much of you i can feel in my skin. in my
organs, in my brain. everytime i think of you, i feel this undulation in
my body that is both painfull and sweet as liquid organic sugar.... a
drug that never fails.

if you would compress yourself in capsules, i would overdose.

i would purchase a xxl bottle of you in tiny oval capsules that would
look like you in a shop window, but then i would shake the bottle before
use (even if you would beg me not to do that), disperse your particles
and start melting little capsules of you in my mouth. i close my eyes
while putting the first capsule in my mouth. it's less liquid than i
expected. i move my tongue and squeeze its contents, while listening to
the other capsules screaming. it's your tendons i'm playing with.
rolling my tongue around their long, chewy textures. they glide down my
throat and into my stomack. long, long tendons trying to grip to my
bones and muscles and extend in me, but before they manage to do that, i
swallow another capsule -- your stomack. we both feel the acids eating
on your tendons, not allowing them to settle in me yet. i take another
capsule, quickly. your lips. my body remembers their taste and opens up
once more for their juices. the membranes stretch and feel washed,
intoxicated. i byte on your capsule and release its forms. they grow in
my mouth until i can't breathe any more, licking and tasting and playing
with you. your capsules shivering in the bottle. begging me to reunite
them inside my mouth. i refuse.

Instead of swallowing the whole bottle, i carry you to my bath, fill it
up with water and use you as my bathfoam. i empty the bottle above the
water and watch you become free. the clear plastic shells melt in the
warmth of my body. i can see parts of your beauty fragmented in the soap
bubbles clinging onto my skin. as little children afraid of water... and
i  let them cling to me, and move across my skin searching for portals
to more of me. for a ground to grow on. thinking they have all the time
of their life to swarm on me. but then, i let the water escape. i can
see your bubblecells panically bursting and leaving their traces on my
skin. i let your lips fall on my stomack, free my mouth and start
licking your traces. a long bubble of your skin is enveloping a large
portion of my body and i suck it up. it makes those funny sounds as
when you drink your coke with a straw and start making big bubbles when
you almost reach the bottom of the glass. I inflate you and deflate you.
many times., letting my lips touch your every tactile sensor, making you
feel electrified by their kinetic energy. you are scared to burst and be
left to dry up, while your plastic shells float with dead rats in the
sewage deep down below my bathtub. i take a deep breath, and breathe
your follicles in my lungs. lungs within lungs, breathing so much oxygen
that we both become dizzy. my body becoming one big sponge, sucking up
all your parts and hearing the foamy sounds inside the pores. you will
never become you again, you more than addictive drug, you. you are
dissolved and assimilated in my cells, as i overdose and fall into
trance. finding a frequency that stimulates your bubbles to ejaculate
their contents in me.... perpetually.... changing my substance into
their incubators. i overdosed, and the drug multiplies in me, mutates
me, forces me to stimulate it, until i die. but it doesn't let me die,
it just keeps me there on the edge of agony and ecstasy. overdosed.
kloned in therapy.

your hydra overdosed tonight nn. she wraps you in her tentacles, so
gently, as she can barely move.....but you are so tired that you don't
resist. wrapped, and slowly caressed you fall asleep, dreaming of her
many arms sending electric impulses through your powerless body. she
watches you sleep.

[copyright ... !f dez!rd +?

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