a found poem from alt.conspiracy.new-world-order

Ed Hoffman ed_hoffman at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 4 02:58:24 CET 2002

The following was derived, no words added, from 

propped up by massive American armed support
That pyramid does not rest over Charles Russell's grave
You may also recognize the crown and the cross
Masons believe in the immortality of the human soul

let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me
It is not i who love the phallus. I hate it!
slaughter us, George Bush
empower these same dictators to do just that

Something strange happened last night
in the sky above the area of Britain
Help us in the infowar
plans to implant silicon chip in his brain

if any man will be a living stone in the Temple,
member of the Royal Priesthood,
rules compulsory andenforceable by law
Effort aims to boost work, communications

If you feel that putting forward
my views concerning the current world situation,
means I must be regarded as a "troll" and a pariah,
then so be it

Hotmail is not delivering my mail to my wife
As a Former Marine I was thinking about this Sniper
I mean, if he just thought about
how the WWW and Internet works

She's getting the mail, but she's too busy fucking
She lives in the city and she called me
Maybe she is busy with her filipino boyfriend?
Do you trust her?

In Viet Nam, Marine snipers would
leave a calling card to scare the Viet Cong
she's too busy fucking
This guy isn't too well equipped in the neuron department

basic requirements for membership into the lodge
he gained his love for a young phallic member?
I hate all of Babylon the Great and I have no respect for her!
It is against my religious believes to use pharmacuticals!

'buying truth' required him to make some painful adjustments
propped up by massive American armed support
That pyramid does not rest over Charles Russell's grave.
let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me

The above was derived, no words added, from the following messages on 

<$j0V+UAEGcs9Ewo2 at borve.demon.co.uk>
<aosfmq$pcgi8$1 at ID-164863.news.dfncis.de>
<hgms9.923$r4.340844 at newsfeed.slurp.net>
<Rims9.930$r4.342166 at newsfeed.slurp.net>
<fc765f62.0210192107.33ed142e at posting.google.com>
<eOrs9.2355$r4.496528 at newsfeed.slurp.net>
<VA.0000063d.00f6efeb at earthlink.net>
<aotqqu$clq$1 at reader13.wxs.nl>
<UtUs9.7101$U97.649844 at newsread2.prod.itd.earthlink.net>
<530t9.7945$r4.1609826 at newsfeed.slurp.net>
Masons believe in the immortality of the human soul
<5Kls9.789$r4.325485 at newsfeed.slurp.net>
<ap0g5a$6lb$1 at slb4.atl.mindspring.net>
<3db212d3.76795075 at news.znet.com>
<aotjaf$21a$2 at news7.svr.pol.co.uk>
<3DB3C870.6080205 at netscape.net>
<d3ab374.0210210204.44f7fc65 at posting.google.com>
<VA.00000652.005ca31f at earthlink.net>
the government now plans to
<d3ab374.0210220622.20226412 at posting.google.com>
<ap764j$ld3$1 at slb7.atl.mindspring.net>
<ap7kkm$kbe$35 at newsg3.svr.pol.co.uk>
<ap7lfv$2oh$1 at news7.svr.pol.co.uk>
<0flu9.1996$g4.430827 at newsfeed.slurp.net>
<4plu9.128617$Yb1.123447 at sea-read.news.verio.net>
<0flu9.1996$g4.430827 at newsfeed.slurp.net>
<X2ru9.2775$g4.545897 at newsfeed.slurp.net>
<I6Ju9.121835$%d2.45647 at sccrnsc01>

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