No subject

integer at integer at
Wed Dec 25 06:15:14 CET 2002

Beatrice Beaubien <webmaven at>

>> mr Cramer
>> please refrain from redirecting my syndicate transmissions
>> to your neo fascist nettime lagar
>this is daft
>i object

!ndulg!ng !n athlet!k akt!v!t! !n dze gardn
ma! upzet dze ne!ghborz part!kularl! !f u arnt
uear!ng much mor dzn anc!ent ol!mp!anz

>i will cite who i want when i want and everyone else should feel free to 
>do so as well

absolut freedom = absolut murder

>merry christmas 

       uen dze uorld anounzd !tz chancez at fa!lur

>and happy holidays

on paper
!n real!t! 4rom dze momnt !t !z akzeptd dze uorld bkmz a dezert

>From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim at>
>To: Beatrice Beaubien <webmaven at>
>Cc: Florian Cramer <cantsin at>, integer at

>I agree - int.'s quoted a private letter I wrote her once - which is more
>of a copyright violation if anyone cares - she can't have it both ways -
>but then that's how modernism works - 'neofascist' rhetoric of the last
>century blah blah blah - Alan

to reproduce the elements of reality without making any kind of selection would be ....

>I agree - 

an eaztern zp!n on 1x ueztern klas!k - ue za! - UP URSS !!!!

... fa!th !tzelv

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