launch of jitter

anna balint epistolaris at
Fri Aug 9 19:19:04 CEST 2002

>I've seen a demo on Jitter at the Sonar festival, and I'd say it really 
>Bart Zonneveld
>>  ----------------------------------------

Dear Bart Zonneveld,

i hope that Jitter rocks! it would be a shame if a video control software would not be good.
problem is with all sofware and technology in general, that it is still all in an experimental phase, 
but already you buy an ideology in the package.
software, just as language or other code is a mind control and a filter too, and moreover, you get with 
the software not only a view of organizing data and creative activity but the sofware is connected to the market,
to social and religious environments... it is grounded outside computer reality too.
I don't use apple,  i don't know max or jitter... [however, i like max and at main electronic art festivals i started to 
distinguish already from 10 meter if something was made with max, or not, for instance Atau Tanaka never used
max]... also choices and preferences are an ideology.... 
however, i am pretty sure, that if one browses in the syndicate archives, at
- it is not such a big homework - could  gain an expereince related to the software, and could have the impression - 
even without knowing both softwares, and even if someone hates every military connotation, that jitter can be 
nothing but the reverse enginered and diluted version of nato, or jitter is a more friendly exposure of nato, or it is a much 
better, much more developed software than nato... it depends. 
nato came together with an innundation of mails, on the syndicate list, but elsewhere too...
it permanenetly tested the boundaries of subscriber's tolerance and promised to show how deep the programer's
love was.

i am not sure the url's would work to display certain messages from the syndicate archives,
nor search engines would point to individual messages at syndicate. sympa in this sense is restrictive,
and protective at the same time, maybe this is why we get so few spam on the list.
the inner search in the syndicate database works very well based on keywords.
as for selection... we had many discussion on it, sometimes we said that we refuse selection, and we said that
all data is equal, however a reader, a representative material from the list, on paper and cd-rom, would 
promote the values of the net.culture. 

:) the holdays... well, out soemeone, protect me from all work and give me holidays...
even the non-moderators of the syndicate list can enter in strike...
i wish some distance from the list, also to be able to describe it.

thx frederic and claudia for the holidays collection.

anna balint 

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