___ R E A L T O K Y O MAIL MAGAZINE Vol. 88___

OZAKI Tetsuya ozaki at blue.ocn.ne.jp
Thu Aug 1 19:50:54 CEST 2002

R    E    A    L    T    O    K    Y    O    MAIL MAGAZINE
_____8_2_2002_Fri_vol.89___________ http://www.realtokyo.co.jp/

Dear REALTOKYO reader,

while at first sight this week's REALTOKYO actually looks not much different
from what it usually looks like, you'll realize that there are no new 
volumes of
any of our columns when seeing the contents of this time's mail magazine at
latest. Without wanting to look for excuses (the fact that sometimes writers
don't keep deadlines would be one for a delayed "Tokyo Editors' Diary" update),
the main reason for this temporary diet are the time-consuming preparations
for the upcoming REALTOKYO event, which presently forces us to keep the
daily RT contents a little thinner.

You will find more details on the event on REALTOKYO -- and in this mail
magazine -- soon, and for now we don't want to tell more than that it's 
going to
be somewhat a 'walk-in REALTOKYO' where you can meet REAL people, listen
to, look at, flip through, try on, and buy REAL goods, etc. (if you're in 
Tokyo you
might also pick up a flyer somewhere in the next couple of weeks -- you'll know
it by our art director Kosaka Jun's cool design)


We'll keep you informed about this unique happening, to be held on September
22-23, so for the time being please enjoy REALTOKYO, and don't hesitate to
contact us with questions, suggestions, critic, or other comments.

Hope to meet you in September,

Vice Editor-in-chief

[This Week's Index]

(1) Event Pick of the Week
Coa Graphics Exhibition: Magazine?

(2) Presents
Active Suspension CDs

This week's RT Picks:

art+cinema+music+stage+design+town = 52 events
including 12 new ones!
Plus new entries on our 'book/disk' page.

Check them out!


(1) Event Pick of the Week

Coa Graphics Exhibition: Magazine?

The Coa Graphics collective has been active putting out works of music and 
as well as the "Far" and "Coa" magazines. Most of the stuff they're 
releasing is perfectly
hitting the point, and especially since "Far" magazine's recent "School 
Wars" special
(vol. 5) I think this is a group one should keep an eye on. In a unique 
approach Coa
Graphics show their works in an exhibition that strictly distinguishes 
'text' and 'visual'
parts. The 'texts' are represented by free magazines that were distributed 
before the
event, while the contents are visualized in the works that are shown during 
the period
of the exhibition. The event is running for only six days, so make sure not 
to miss it!
-- Murata Yuko


(2) Presents

Today is the last chance to apply for one of the four Active Suspension CDs, so
don't miss this chance! Application periods for other presents have run 
out, but we
are preparing a couple of new presents, so please check the Presents page.

For more info see:



Next week on RT:

- Tokyo Editors' Diary

- Out of Tokyo

- Presents

and more…


In order to make REALTOKYO even more interesting and convenient
for you, we rely on your feedback. Please send us opinions or
productive suggestions concerning contents, structure, layouts,
etc. Three especially lucky readers who send a mail to
info at realtokyo.co.jp.
will be chosen and receive a little gift.



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REALTOKYO is looking for advertisers wanting to place banners on
our web site and/or in the mail magazine. Banners will get lots of
hits from people attracted to a web site full of catchy information
on cinema, art, music, theatre and other fun events in town.
Please contact the following email address for dimensions and costs.

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