22 April 2003

valentina culpa valentina at invisible.gq.nu
Tue Apr 23 01:12:52 CEST 2002

Brussels, 22 April 2003

The European Federal Republic Final Solution alarmed at recent developments
in the former city of squats have instituted fiscal law as the supreme
authority in Amsterdam. As of April 23, the greater Amsterdam metropolitan
seawalled area will be entirely in the hands of prostitutes, druglords and
bankers. Resident Asian populations will be transferred to a municipal
kitchen. Any citizens without contracted access to finance (ie. work
contracts, sales representation posts, regular windows, personal savings
plans, pensions, stocks, bonds, reputable black market connections,
property, etc) will be placed in virtual concentration camps to be managed
under the European Programme for Electronic Surveillance. Tourists entering
the city will be given exemption stickers redeemable in shops and entitling
them to the use of one bike for the period of their stay. These measures are
indicated as the first posting of the proposed issue of DNA shares. As of 1
May, Reuters News Cola Cola Syndicate Sniff allege, individuals without DNA
shares will be executed. These measures are expected to shore up corporate
futures by reducing previous community involvements.  

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