[syndicate] muzik

Frederic Madre fmadre at wanadoo.fr
Tue Apr 9 13:27:46 CEST 2002

At 01:16 09/04/2002 +0200, Bart Zonneveld wrote:
>just curious:

oui, voila voila

>what's your most abstrakt

"pet sounds" (the track) by the beach boys


music should not be "interesting"


"mellocoton" by colette magny


"surfin' bird" by the trashmen


"I believe" by the buzzcocks

>  piece of music?

"a wizard a true star" by todd rundgren

(or some other answers!)

>mine's Pentamerous Metamorphosis (Blood Music by Chapterhouse)

thanks... I used to like chapterhouse


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