<failure notice>

restate restate at restate.org
Tue Sep 25 21:05:42 CEST 2001



i walk on champagne.

i do offer you contagious entertainment:


>Real War is the commercial version of the official military Joint Forces game being used to train the US armed forces.

(lovely, isnt it)

i am a free interaktiv multimedia entertainment provider:

entertainment vor the whole family.

(absorbing, isnt it)

>Political scientist Michael Stohl _>
>we must recognize that by convention -- and it must be
>emphasized only by convention -- great power use and the
>threat of the use of force is normally described as coercive
>diplomacy and not as a form of terrorism, though it commonly
>involves the threat and often the use of violence for what
>would be described as terroristic purposes were it not great
>powers who were pursuing the very same tactic.

god do bless ameriKKKa.

restate. simplifying the search process by bringing relevant results.


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