<failure notice>

restate restate at restate.org
Wed Sep 12 19:12:52 CEST 2001

>>We live in one world

one world.

one thought.

one order.

>i should like to be a human plant

the dedicatsion ov land to monokultur

(that is)

the cultivatsion ov single crops w restrikted genetik and species diversity

renders plants more vulnerabelle to disease.

>koupld u!th ga!a teor!e

final fantastik legend.

(the spirits w in)

it was suggested during the chapman conferents that the gaia hypothesis can only be taken seriously as a metaphor. 

(i am sure you knew that)

>dze .us pol!z! = rezemblz modern med!z!n

Through many discoveries of psychosomatic phenomena and the efficiency of 
homeopathic therapy, not only knowing a patient but a patient's awareness 
of his or her own state is very important to curing diseases. 


systems do not develop via ratsional planning.

systems do not maintain via ratsional planning.

systems do not change via ratsional planning.

they evolve.

therefore morale postulatsions vor sotsiety are idiotiq.

\ \\restate. an indivisibelle system composed ov interrelated ingredients.

        \www.   \restate.         \.org


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