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integer at integer at
Sun Oct 28 23:03:16 CET 2001

>ENDLESS WAR?  /   September 2001
>by Walden Bello

>The assault on the World Trade Center was horrific, despicable, and unpardonable, 

model citizen refrain

>but it is important not to lose perspective, especially a historical one. 

>For a response that is dictated primarily by fury such as
>that now displayed by some American politicians, 

that is fury + macdonalds is a restaurant.

>while understandable, 
>is likely to simply serve as one more proof for Santayana's dictum that 
>those who do not remember history are bound to repeat it.

+ dzoze = remembr h!ztor! = shl repeat !t regardlesz.
[ma! konzult dozto!evzk! or ur zelv]


>The scale and consequences of the World Trade Center attack are massive indeed, but this was not the worst act of mass terrorism in US history, as some US media are wont to claim. The over 5000 lives lost in
>New York are irreplaceable, but one must not forget that the atomic raids on Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed 210,000 people, most of them civilians, most perishing instantaneously. But one may object that you
>can't really compare the World Trade Center attack to the nuclear bombings since, after all, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were targets in a war. But why not, since the purpose of the nuclear bombings was not mainly
>to destroy military or infrastructural targets, but to terrorize and destroy the civilian population? Indeed, the whole allied air campaign against Germany and Japan in 1944-45, which produced the firestorms in
>Dresden, Hamburg, and Tokyo, that killed tens of thousands had as its central aim to kill and maim as many civilians as possible. Similarly, during the Korean War, terror bombing of civilians was the policy of the
>US Air Force's Far Eastern Command, which was instructed to pulverize anything that moved in enemy territory. So successful was the policy that in the summer of 1951, the commander was able to report that
>"there is no structure left to be targeted."

dze zkope ov all uarz. all gornmntz. _and l!f _!z 2 teror!sz.

ma!z = teror = dze beg ov l!f.

nn - ua!t!ng 4 01 ztud! ov dze !mpakt ov wtc [t]eror!zm on dze .us populaz!e fat kontent

[! l!ke ua!t!ng.  zavez t!me + shouz m! !n!z!at!v]

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