
Claudia Westermann media at ezaic.de
Tue Oct 23 12:38:28 CEST 2001

;) .... more text of this website ? ( some grown up playmobile )

The goal of the free state is to create an autonomous space where 
everything is possible within a country that is over-regulated to an 
increasingly oppressive degree.
AVL-Ville has its own flag, its own constitution and its own money. It is a 
harmonious and self-supporting enterprise located for the time being in the 
Rotterdam harbour area and in the future on a contaminated soil dump near 
Zestienhoven airfield. The motto of AVL-Ville is: as long as it's art, just 
about anything's possible. AVL-Ville is therefore not a commune or a 
construction company but an open air museum bubbling over with enthusiasm, 
where art is produced on a daily basis: ranging from its own food and 
energy to its own houses, objects and mobile buildings.

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