Re: CONFERENCE 27. Oktober 2001 — Museum Ludwig , Köln

Julie Mealin julie at
Mon Oct 22 20:17:06 CEST 2001

Saturday, October 27th, 2001, 10:00 to 16:00 hours:
Cinemathek , Museum Ludwig (Cologne)

Dialogue on :
“Artistic Creativity and the Impact of New Technologies”

The panel event will feature media artists from Canada, who
will meet with their German counterparts to discuss the following
questions: How has the emergence of new technologies changed the
artistic scene? Can one speak of a distinctly new current in
contemporary art? How are artists affected by the rise of new
technologies in their own artistic practice?

Panelists are

-Her Excellency Adrienne Clarkson
-Louis-Philippe Demers (Artist and Professor at the Hochschule für
Gestaltung, Karlsruhe)
-Susan Kennard ( Producer at the Banff New Media Institute)
-Alfred Rotert (Director of the European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück)
-Martin Roth (Exhibition Designer, director of the theme parc at Expo 2000)
-Gail Dexter Lord (Museum Consultant)
-Monika Fleischmann (Artist and Head of MARS - Media Art Research
Studies at the GMD Institute for Media Communication, Sankt Augustin)
-Michael Saup (Artist and Professor for Media Art at Hochschule für
Gestaltung, Karlsruhe)
-Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller (Canadian artists) - TBC

Commentators are

-Ruth Phillips (Director of Museum of Anthropology, UBC)
-Pia Kleber (Head of Drama Department at University of Toronto)
-Ken Lum (artist)
-Alexina Louie (Composer) - TBC

Moderator will be Louis-Philippe Demers (Artist and Professor at the
Hochschule für Gestaltung, Karlsruhe)


10:00 Opening
New Technologies: a meeting of scientists/hackers/surfers/traditional
artists ?
-Louis-Philippe Demers

10:20 First Session
The first session deals with new media production and diffusion. The
presenters will share their broad experience in this practice and they
will not only help us discover new works but also discuss their
selection process and perspectives on producing and diffusing artworks.
New technologies: hype, trend, pop/sub culture, design/industry ?
Where does the artistic current begin?
Guest speakers:
-Susan Kennard
-Alfred Rotert

11:20-11:30 Break

11:30 Second Session
The second session is dedicated to new media and curatorial issues. How
do the speakers integrate digital art forms inside institutions and
events? How do they foresee the future of cultural spaces?
New Technologies: what are the perspectives of integration in museum and
events beyond the plain technological presentation format ?
Guest speakers:
-Gail Dexter Lord
-Martin Roth

-Ruth Phillips

12:30-14:00 Lunch Break

14:00 Third Session
The last session will comprise artists presentations of their works and
also their views on the creative process related to digital media:  film
making, television, installation and visual arts. This panel will be
attended by the Governor General of Canada Adrienne Clarkson. We invited
recognized artists from various digital art practices.
New Technologies: How deeply do the tools influence the content? Which
perspective of reality is the most interesting for you to explore with
those tools?

Guest speaker:
-Her Excellency

Audio-visual presentation by:
-Louis-Philippe Demers
-Monika Fleischmann
-Michael Saup
-Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller

-Ken Lum
-Pia Kleber



>Hi Claudia,

Hi Julie,

>That is really really nice thank you.!!!
>I am not a member of this list...

je sais, par hasard

>Have a nice evening,

you, too



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