[music-dsp] [ot] [!nt] \n2+0\

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Fri Oct 19 08:29:13 CEST 2001

>Thank you so much for putting this so well. I as a candian feel very much
>the same way you do its so easy to sit back in ones arm chair and judge
>from behind a computer screen. 

dont hav 01 arm cha!r. = hav 01 l!v!ng touer.
10k usd ultra zku!!!!!k (juzt l!ke m!) zeat!ng + loung!ng ++ ... zkulptur

>But getting out there and doing something
>is very different and important. For example all the dissent form the left
>of center minority has forced our very right winged goverment leader here
>in the provence of ontario to step down in the middle of his service.
>I strongly belive the talk minus action equals zero....
>and I for one am sick and tired of all the talkers.
>I have been involved in fringe political groups for many years (15 years)

u r old. dzatz d!zguzt!ng.

>and by some have been called a professional protester, but atleast I stand
>beind my words and get off my ass 

u uant 01 zport shoko +?

>and do some thing unlike others who are
>professional complainers!

r u ugl! auss! +? 

!n an! kasz letz kont!nue

>and by some have been called a professional protester, but atleast I stand
>beind my words and get off my ass 


da.da+da. !n uordz ur !ntel!gensz = matchez dze .us gov'z m9nd akt!v!tate



yes garry. d!d u knou dzat obez!t! = dze mozt prevlnt human d!zeaze +?
alorz = !f 70 proznt ov amer!kanz = fat uh! doeznt dze us.gov
bomb dze amer!kan food !nduztr!e aaaaaaaaaaaaaa +?

kome on. tell.

aj vant 2 kno

nn - aj jzt 4kt 2 !t.

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