Re: [syndicate] Re: [spectre] Kinga Araya´s comment

anna balint epistolaris at
Wed Nov 14 22:13:49 CET 2001

11/14/01 3:18:01 PM, fmadre at wrote:

>> 'virtual communities'? How do you see these communities? How do you define
>> them?
>plea to the administrators of our beloved syndicate list:
>> It might start a productive dialogue (I hope).
>is there a way to prevent x-posts like this one to get to us ?
>I believe ours is a peaceful community which doesn't have to be exposed to the spilling 
>bitterness of others.

Dear Frederic,
as Kinga Araya is not subscribed to the syndicate list,
her message needs administration's approval to get on the list.
So it's easy to block messages coming from spectre, if there is request for it.
I also don't see where a creative dialogue should be started, 
should we post some intellectually stimulating idea on spectre?
How to end this war? Decline of the syndicate?
Right now, when it's so much to do at least in East Europe?
Now when is still war in Macedonia? 
When East European institutional infrastructure still did not develop enough?
When there are still not even commercial galleries promoting contemporary
visual culture? When there are no independent media institutions and not even
contemporary art museum were set up in all countries? When there is no curatorial
training in East Europe? When the Soros network's funds were cut? 
When not even video culture developed and got promoted enough in East Europe? 
When for East European artist is still very difficult
to get in the international circulation? When commercial invades East Europe, and West European 
critical tools are much slower to reach eastern realms? 
I would say promote your own culture, institutional or individual, for East Europeans even
commercial promotion is very progressive. Culture is a valuable way to get on the map of Europe.
Individual's struggle in the technicised societies is also a very important issue. 

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