___ R E A L T O K Y O MAIL MAGAZINE Vol. 51___

Tetsuya OZAKI ozaki at blue.ocn.ne.jp
Fri Nov 2 17:56:06 CET 2001

   R    E    A    L    T    O    K    Y    O    MAIL MAGAZINE
_____02_11_2001_Fri_vol.51___________ http://www.realtokyo.co.jp/


Dear reader and REALTOKYO user

As you might have noticed on our current top page, we are celebrating
RT's first anniversary. This is an occasion for us to thank all of
you who have been supporting us by providing information, sending
comments and suggestions, or just by accessing REALTOKYO!
Thanks to the efforts of all directly and indirectly involved people,
a rapidly increasing number of page views made REALTOKYO one of the
most popular Tokyo-based web magazines, that has been picked up by
various media in Japan and abroad.

After reaching this goal, the next hurdle for us to take is the
financial one. As an elemental factor to secure the production of
good, qualified contents, we rely on all those people/companies
that recognize REALTOKYO as a useful and interesting platform for
product/project/event promotion and presentation.

In an appeal to all event organizers, film and record companies, art
producers and curators, and everybody from other businesses who feel
concerned, we'd like to ask you for your (financial) support also in
RT's second year of operation. Assured by the recent page view rates,
we can feel confident to reach a considerable number of people both
in Tokyo and around the globe, and we hope to be able to say this for
a long time.

Please help us maintain the quality and agility of REALTOKYO, and
cultivate an even more refined, multi-faceted web magazine that
presents and represents Tokyo culture.




[This Week's Index]

(1) Tokyo, 4 Weeks:
Tortoise Orchestra!

(2) Tokyo Culture Diary
Volume 16

(3) Presents of the Week:
"Trace of Red Curb" CDs, etc.

This week's RT Picks:

art+cinema+music+stage+design+town = 40 events
including 14 new ones!
Plus new entries on our 'book/disk' page.

Check them out!


(1) Tokyo, 4 Weeks
The Most Gorgeous Music Event of the Year
Tortoise Orchestra!

recommended by musician, writer and DJ, Katayose Akito

Starting at 4pm and scheduled to close at 10pm, this 6-hour event
will also feature an impressive list of supporting artists.
First of all, Tortoise member John McEntire appears solo under his
"Human Condition" moniker, and as such he is also planning to record
material next year. The live performance I saw last February was an
absolutely satisfying one that combined McEntire's unique PowerBook
sounds with visuals created with NATO software. Then there's the
solo project of Chicago Underground Quartet's Rob Mazurek, "Orton
Socket." Having only the image of a cornet player in mind, I suppose
most people were positively surprised by the sensitive electronic
sounds Mazurek just released as "Orton Socket"…


  (3) Tokyo Culture Diary Vol. 016

Volume 16 of "Composite" Editor Sugatsuke Masanobu's diary

8/24 (Fri)
Opening reception of Murakami Takashi's exhibition at the Museum of
Contemporary Art, Tokyo. In both Murakami's estimation and treatment
Japan is far behind other countries, but with this exhibition we
finally see his triumphant return. As expected, it's a large-scale
affair, and it's held together by a simple, easy to grasp system.
Murakami's show is unquestionably the best one by a Japanese artist
held at the Museum of Contemporary Art so far. The opening party in
the inner garden is arranged as a traditional Japanese matsuri,
offering everything from roast corn and yakisoba to taiko drumming…


(3) Presents

New in the Present corner this week is a CD + sticker package of
Rei Harakami’s just released remix version of the "Red Curb" album.
To apply and for further information, please see:



Next week on RT:

- Out of Tokyo
Vol. 024

- Tokyo Visitors’ Book

- Tokyo, 4 Weeks

and more…


In order to make REALTOKYO even more interesting and convenient
for you, we rely on your feedback. Please send us opinions or
productive suggestions concerning contents, structure, layouts,
etc. Three especially lucky readers who send a mail to
info at realtokyo.co.jp.
will be chosen and receive a little gift.




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