[syndicate] when walking the DreamBeach

Frederic Madre fmadre at wanadoo.fr
Mon Nov 19 23:26:12 CET 2001

ah claudia, it is you,

your walk is soft and I didn't hear you

>I walked the DreamBeach and found your print.


>Suddenly I thought: ' oh, that's one, I could write some e-mail to. '

walking in the sand

>and clicked on your e-mail address.

That's right.
(A): Okay. Well, anyway, welcome. The first question, I guess, is: What 
have you found?
(B): Well, it's really spectacular. Thanks for having me here tonight. What 
we found is most remarkable find in

>Just shortly I was wondering: this e-mail address sounds familiar to me.
>But where do I know that from ?

maybe lost http://www.bigai.ne.jp/~miwa/sand/what/1972-99.html

>After a while I decided, that there is no sense to think about it too long.
>Some people have similar e-mail addresses to others, I thought.

it's cool that way and it's sentimental too

>I just wanted to say: bonsoir.

bonne nuit claudia
write to me


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