toun kounc!l

integer at integer at
Thu Nov 15 20:01:28 CET 2001

jean-philippe.halgand zkr!b!z


good bye 

dear prince

>facts happen and then are written or re-written. a mystery for no one. 

said the mayor.


2 be allowed to die hier. [mag !kk +?]

>we stop bothering with this rewriting of facts and start dealing

la v!e kot!d!ene da +?

>what the future of syndicate can be.

the statue of a furnace.  [!ez pl!!!!!!!!!!sz]

>Thus i agree with frederic.

mo! auss!. kan ue have 01 flag +?
! lv+++ paradez.

>Personnaly i got very angry 

cezt paz vra! mon d!eu. cezt paz vra!.
rel! +?  ! laughed + konzumd mor shoko.

>reading andreas and inke's own bitter sweet


>history of the syndicate, its end and the NN plot(?!) 


                                            "i shoot you in your back. bogart ztyle"   - 1001 zm!lez. !nduztr!e - 01 amalgam ov cucu + cucu l!f 4rmz

inke + andreas = kausz dze 1001 programrz ov nn g!glb!tz ++

>there are still coconuts to shake!

mor zm!lz. 01 reklama 4 da +?

ue muzt !zue 01 proklamaz!on.
en route!!!!!!!

nn - zeroton!n ovrdoze.

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