Re: RHIZOME_RAW: Re: RHIZOME_RAW: Re: [spectre] Kinga Araya´s comment

Nmherman at Nmherman at
Thu Nov 15 06:10:26 CET 2001

In a message dated 11/14/2001 3:19:23 PM Central Standard Time, 
porculus at WANADOO.FR writes:

> so complicated it achieve to become something twisted & humphbacked in the 
> head

Hey beetmaster, seer of beets, harginger of the mightu sugar beet, hail.  
Propose:  in general humans now are best described as impoverished servient 
artists.  Vis-a-vis going to a nascar race and loving all the genii of every 
advertisement, before during and after the vrooming, is a way of worship and 
love and hence it is beyond doubt art.  Learning to count, sort, and skim 
money is an art practiced by the greatest of men on the earth.  The economy 
they make is art.  You like Monet?  The girl at the bar is the art.  Her 
perception is the art.  

I don't see this as a nice wicked continental joke but as the simplest fact 
as with an infant bawling.  You just aren't a nurturer is all.  I guess after 
all this time, I still can't believe it but people sometimes let one down.  
C'est la vie.

> ha btw why you understand to kick this heap of bull of tribe & alex or 
> lovink is not
> only a great political aesthetical posture & an huge moral ascèse but also 
> a
> corrective gymnastique

I know now!  You're the old guy in the plague who spits on the cats!  Yippee! 
 Now I'm a free American again.  It's not my job to change you.  I see that 
now.  But yes perhaps you're right, and my genius is just so much terrible 
bad wine.  Either that or you just can't feel the hurricane anymore.  What if 
you're a Francophile?  (

> + i play for keeps, 'cause i might not make it back...

Certainly the French way has always been to play for keeps.  That's why all 
our US novelists loved to chill down there and write.  Who gives a fuck if 
the average american is inferior to the primo culture francaise, you rambling 
cherrypicking motherfucker?

Your attitude is so breathy and fatuous, like every US academic who reads the 
French bullshit theories of Reagantime; the attitude is like French Gap 
fashion for profs.  It's so fuckin lame.

Check please motherfucker,

Max Herman
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