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integer at integer at
Sat Dec 22 00:13:21 CET 2001


über den h!mmel wolken z!ehn
über d!e felder geht der w!nd
über d!e felder wandert
me!ner mutter [zmak] verlorenesz k!nd.

über d!e strasse blätter wehn
über den bäumen vögel schre!n -
!rgendwo über den bergen
muss me!ne ferne he!mat ze!n.

gebt m!r me!nen grusz zurück

und m!au


>thought this exercise could become one of the more difficult ones

unzpokn zent!mntz = un4getabl.

independence is the point all souls move toward.

the love bond which brought together these two lebanese
writers living in different parts of the world, was one
of the rarest kind. there have been affairs which began 
with correspondence and then developed along normal lines. 
more commonly, there have been relationships which were 
confined to correspondence after a traditional beginning.
but gibran and may ziadeh knew one another solely from the
letters they exchanged and from each other's work;
they never met except in their imaginations and dreams,
through the roaming of their spirits in search of eternal
reality and of each other as kindred souls.

it is impossible to classify such a love, though it included
spiritual and platonic elements. gibran and may were united
in a sufi yearning and striving towards the `god self`. 
the `blue flame`, which gibran used as the symbol of god in man,
also became the symbol of his eternal love for may. the two lovers
joined in a spiritual procession towards the blue flame, the
eternal flame of reality. this is what gibran meant by his
`longing` for may, a word that comes closer than any other to
describing the nature of his feelings. for him love needed no
words to express itself because it was a serene hymn heard through
the silence of the night; indeed, the mist and the essence of all things.

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