No subject

integer at integer at
Fri Dec 7 09:21:24 CET 2001

>because i have not heard from you i make the conclusion that you 
>do not intend to make a proposal for the kingdom of piracy online 

have already answered.


konsider consuming less somnifers.

>this would be very sad, since you are the ideal participant, a meta-
>pirate so to so. 

am well aware.

given you have wasted my time so to speak in the past
i may \ may not find the time to write a proposal.

may pay me first.

that way i shall know you arent just
01 other new media curator

`curing` the most significant new media posers.
[like 99 prozent ov curators]


>so ideal in fact, that we wish to make at least, yes, 
>thats the least bit that we can do, a link to an already existing work 
>of you. there will be a special link section to works which represent 
>historical achievements suitable for the concept of kingdom of 
>piracy. is there any special url for existing work of yours which you 
>would want to propose us to include in this list of links? it can also 
>be more than one link.
>apart from that we still keep up the hope to get a proposal from 
>you. over the next few days, on 9th of december, we make a pre-
>launch of the project. but pre-launch does not mean that everything 
>is over and fixed and decided. we will only present a website, some 
>artists proposals which are already accepted, some links, some 
>texts, but not any works themselves. that will be left to the real 
>launch in march (the exact date for this i still do not know).
>if you have any intention to make a contribution it would be good to 
>get at least some sign, some declaration of intent...

i intend to donate my fee towards the syndicate forum operation.

>have you ever read the project description that we had put online 
>which says what kingdom of piracy is all about?

da. expect 99.9 prozent ov proposals shall be
western xyshortkuts to m9nd aktivitate.

if your impression = i am being
unkindly i propose we wager 25000 dm.

ready +?

nn - pirating western koffers [and bodies - zku!!!!k] @ 299792458 m|sek

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