No subject

integer at integer at
Fri Dec 7 03:14:58 CET 2001

>Hello :)
>Continuing dialogue started on LEV list if thats alright with you.
>I am very interested in what you say really, my frustration is that I know I
>am not understanding much of it due to my inability to translate a lot of
>your words.
>Can you tell me if my ugly male western mind has got any of the following
>right by reading your words for a year now?
>You are a programmer and an artist

mmmmmneeeee.                 "hah"

i am the fire that shall engulf ost.europa 
+ the occident.

>Western corporate/fascist ugly humans/governments/institutions have ripped
>you off 

i am not angry at them.

>and made life hard for you, 

i am not angry at nato.

>used subversion to attempt to silence
>you / remove you from events or stuff like that?  

i am not angry at them.

>I find the detail hard to
>follow on the websites for I do not know about the
>people/software/institutions/events involved!
>The Male condition and resultant stupidy of though, warmongering and selfish
>need for greed means Men (especially the fascists of the west?) are a target
>of some of your words?

i am not angry at them.

>Forgive me if I have things wrong, I thought you might like to know what one
>human (this one in particular) has managed to make of your words over time.
>How wrong can I be?

as wrong as the dizinesz which creeps up after.

>Anyway, I cannot assume anything about you, above was just crude guesswork,
>and yet I want to write more, so here is a snapshot of my world:
>I am one single Male Human of the United Kingdom.  All of these things I am
>ashamed of. 

like all watjes.

>All of them are beyond my control! What am I to do? 

make yourself pitiful before 01 2x - eg. nn

>This is a
>serious question that has troubled me for many years.  

more smiles.

[m9nd you. signs i shall not fail are numerous]

>I have no pride for
>my nation, the remains of a once "great empire" with so much blood on its
>hands :( 

what about you -
ever felt life beneath your finger tips.
pulsing ___... pulsing ___... pulsing sweetly 


nie mehr.

alorz +?

>A country which is special friends with America!  :(  The
>capitalist system does not make me dance.  The evil that men do causes me
>much sorrow to witness :(

at the 4 korners of the universe night arises.

>But I am a gifted man in one way at least - the fight for control between my
>brain and my Penis was an easy one to win. 

>For my mind is much stronger
>than my penis - is that a good thing? 

>It keeps me out of trouble anyway!
>There are so many victims to the wild thoughts of a self-centred
>penis-controlled man, it makes me glad to at least not be in that club of
>testosterbeasts.  I read a while ago you talk about this male castration
>thing. I dont think that would work, men will just build bigger cars and
>missiles as penis replacements.  Rather  better to give man a new channel
>for his instincts?
>I believe though that women in power can do just as much damage as Men.  

and 01 lekker smile at the `tzzzzzzzzt`

>evidence? Margaret Thatcher for a start! Oh well its immaterial to me, I
>belive humans are not fit to rule. Or maybe that the humans who are fit to
>rule are never in a position to do so by virtue of their personality?
>That to me is big problem.  Those who are attracted to power are the least
>fit to have it.  Those who could "do the right thing" are not ambitious
>enough to be in positions of influence/control? Or are not strong enough to
>repell those who crush them to protect their own interests?
>Maybe I am searching for a cause.  You seem to have plenty of direction and
>causes to fight for, I am curious if I can make myself of any use?  

mmm. since this is ost.europa you must wait in line.

we never really had a problem with demand you know.
more smiles + 

see you __.... zzooooooooooooon.

>Or if
>not, at least I would like to understand some things you talk about more.
>Sorry if all these words have been a waste of time, I do not know for sure
>why I have bothered you with these thoughts.
>Peace to you :) I respect you even if I dont understand you.
>Oh I just noticed on LEV -> Christopher Deckard suggesting you are a
>brilliant advert campaign!!  That reminds me - By watching TV there are
>millions of humans hours wasted with adverts.  Me loves the thought of a
>thing that filters tv adverts.  Replaces the advert breaks with video art
>that is downloaded automatically from the web.  Then the breaks would be
>better than the programs :) Good idea or silly thoughts? Corporate
>branding/advertising is one of their most powerful weapons of control.
>Subvert it and win a luxury holiday for 2 in the resort of Costa My Soul.
>Bye Bye

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