tralalela + lalala

integer at integer at
Thu Dec 6 18:43:46 CET 2001

>"Creative Tools as Weaponry" panel 
>>we would like to run audio streams out of the conference to you and 
>>then project a chat interface on screen behind the panelists for your 
>>running responses. Considering your work on the power structures, 
>>authoring patches and developing encoded grammars I thought you would 
>>be able to play a critical role. Would you be available or interested 
>>in a speaking engagement of this type around that time?
>>I think that this situation is one which could provide an interesting 
>>platform for you and your work,
>>Thanks for your time and consideration. Take care. Type soon.

da. = 1+1 of me would be glad to tingle tangle.

what type of accent do you prefer +?

eastern european or western european +?
i come in many different versions
+ perform many different tasks. 

nn - [task: melt!ng belg!an shoko. !t l!kex !t. do u not +?  si. see - ! told u so]

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